Day 82 - Was straight and flat

Dalby to Jandowae 50km Seriously, this is what today looked like, all 50kms of it. The only thing that changed was who was in the lead position, and we swapped it every 5km just to change things up a bit. On the plus side the sun shone all day, and the headwind was minor but good enough to keep the flies off. We also finally figured out what this crop is, looks like short seedy corn, and is being harvested here right now. It's Sorghum And the soil really is black, it's called vertosol, and is both fertile and water holding! The only other thing of interest to occur on the road today, Kerstin thought she spotted a snake. Now Kerstin really does not have a good eye for reptiles, there have been multiple instances over the years where she just sails right past, with me noticing how close she is just in time to call out snake. Her response... just lift your feet off the pedals and continue rolling. Like that carpet python on the way up the mountain. ...