Learning a new language

There's plenty of things I anticipated learning when we accepted the positions at Avon Downs. I thought I'd learn a lot about cooking for groups, about different cuts of beef and how to prepare them. Maybe some stuff around the logistics of running a community which is 260km from the closest centre, and even then, its still Mt Isa... But I didn't really expect to learn a new language. To be fair, I haven't spent a lot of time in the Territory. But they really do speak their own dialect here. Much different from costal Queensland, which is a slower, relaxed kind of Australian drawl. Here it's fast, brief and usually mumbled. I think I spent the first month constantly asking people to repeat themselves, answering the phone is always a diabolical risk. And trying to understand the radio chat, impossible! Then there is all the slang and local shorthand. To be fair some of the slang I suspect has been created by the Ringers themselves, as...