Days 36 - 38 - The mechanics of a few days off

Newtown / Sydney 

The happy arrival in Sydney also comes with a to do list that Louise diligently scribbles on an envelope that contained the voting material for the upcoming South Australian election. Faith and Hope (our bikes) need a well deserved serving of TLC, Louise needs a new helmet and Louise and Kerstin need a new mobile home (tent). There is only so much Gorilla tape you can fix a tent with. 

We also need to start thinking "which way from here" given that some desired destinations have fallen out of the equation due to the bad weather episodes that have have turned parts of this state into a natural disaster zone. Which I don't want to sound like it is an inconvenience. It is a living part of "coddiwomple", the destination often vague, but the travel and planning are done with good intentions. 

The revenge of Analog - our off-line GPS 

And aside from all the above, we also look forward to making ourselves useful in the beautiful Newtown home of our hosts. Louise is a woman with so many talents that one gets tired just thinking of trying to keep up with her. So I relegate myself to the 'sous' position of the tasks to be completed... sous-bike mechanic, sous-chef, sous-tent tester and so on. Only when it comes to wine, maps and directions in the city centre, I comfortably take the lead.

Backyard bike workshop

I love to mention a culinary highlight on tour - of which we already had a few. Despite being completely biased, I need to tell you about the 'Lasagne of Love' - cooked by Louise with mouthwatering precision from a Nigella Lawson recipe. Seriously, if you ever get a wish granted by Louise, ask for it. You will never eat a better lasagne in your life, I promise. And you will be happy to do the dishes. 

Lasagne of Love 

Finding a new 'on tour' home required a different hands on approach. The very friendly and competent staff members at the Paddy Pallin store in the city comfortably leave us alone after giving us a brief introduction to their range of hiking tents and inviting us to unpack some prospective models for closer inspection. So we unzip and unfold to our liking, while watching YouTube demo videos and almost stab another customer with a tent pole. Eventually we decide on an Australian brand called Wilderness Equipment, feeling confident that some of the quite unique climatic conditions on this continent (such as extreme heat) have been factored into the design of the chosen product.

Tent Testing

This all comes with the added bonus of enjoying Jackie's and Liz's company after they return home from their days at work. There is lots to share and to talk about, leaving the only male in the house speechless but content...

Ziggy - Man of the Hour

Man of the Hour (Ziggy's theme song)


  1. Loving all the details of your trip and how you share the writing back and forth. The group selfie with your friends reminds me of the group shots I have and hold dear of your time in Montana. I hope your new on-the-road abode is serving you well. I sensed a bit of foreshadowing in your writing that there is more to the story. Time will tell!


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