Day 134 - Cliffhanger Part I

Rest day in Hughenden 0km

Not sure what it says about our rest day routine when the only photo we take is the one of the bottle of wine we drink? Anyway, here it is - well worth the mention and a picture because it certainly loosened muscles and mind. Some more thoughts about this wine are shared on the Adventures in Wine page.

A jolly drop for happy riders

The main activity today, apart from drinking and eating, was planning the final stretch of Coddiwomple 2022 to Cairns.

Yes, you read that right.  At this point, and fingers crossed, it is very likely that we will wrap up the ride in Queensland's tropical capital. A rough estimate is that there will be 14 more days of riding, hopefully arriving in Cairns not long after Mick (Louise's dad) and Francesca have settled into their caravanning vacation up there. The route will take us via Charters Towers, then heading Northwest towards Conjuboy, Forty Mile Scrub, Mount Garnett into the Atherton Tablelands. And from there via Mareeba into Cairns. 

While this plan is far from our original idea to ride around the country (by the time we reach Cairns, we may have just covered a third of the distance), we feel the time is right to venture into a different unknown territory. While it is fair to say that one of us could have imagined to stretch living on two wheels a little further, it is a mutual decision that we are both happy with and one that we both respect. We may not actually ride a tandem, but in a lot of aspects of this project is based on the principles of being on one. Like we learned in Wagga Wagga: one does nothing alone (Day 20). And who knows? Maybe there will be a Coddiwomple part II one day? 

And now you want to know "what's next?" Well, that's the Cliffhanger part...


  1. Wow - that's one hellava cliffhanger to read whilst tucking into my muesli. Can't wait to hear about your next direction. One third of Australia on two wheels being self propelled is super impressive! I'm very envious of your tenacity to make it that far - Auburn to Clare on the Riesling Trail is a massive achievement for me!

  2. Wow, that is a surprise but I'm so happy that it is a respectfully made decision.
    I can't wait!!


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