Kitchen Coddiwomple

After riding our bicycles 6,666km (+/- some unaccounted mileage to get a cold beer or an ice cream) from Melbourne to Cairns, our year of Coddiwomple is getting a culinary twist. If the definition of coddiwomple is "to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination" then our travels are now through the kitchen landscape at Avon Downs Station and the destination is hopefully less vague but more defined and comes in the shape of tasty food. 

For the weeks and months ahead, our bicycles are parked at Avon Downs in the Northern Territory and we have swapped bicycle shorts for aprons. 

If you wonder how we got here, please feel free to read the previous 133 blog posts or simply skip to We are alive and cooking!

Welcome (back) and let's get cooking!


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