Days 142-143 A mountain to climb and a strike from the enemy

The Lynd Junction Roadhouse - somewhere in the bush 85km Somewhere in the bush - Mount Garnet 84km The approach into Cairns via the west, meaning the Atherton Tablelands, implies some heavy gear shifting. I never really believed that we would get all the way to the Tropical North without a single pedal stroke on the Bruce Highway. But it looks like we will make it happen. Of course there is always a flip side, in this case some heavy lifting in the mountain climbing department. I often joked to people along the way that we Europeans have this false idea that Australia is a flat continent with a big rock in the centre. Well, this myth has been busted many times on this trip, including on the last two days, on which we climbed almost a 1000m over 164km. I know, that's nothing in Tour de France terms, but we are in Queensland! We leave the Lynd Junction Roadhouse in weather that we do not really associate with Tropical North Queensland. It's grey and a little drizzly,...