We are alive and cooking!

This is just the briefest of notes to let you all know that we have landed (in the middle of nowhere). A flying start, hitting the ground running, jumping into the deep end of the pool - it is all of the above. The Coddiwomple Bicycle Tour feels like a ride in the park at this point. We have been warmly welcomed by the entire crew here at Avon Downs. And given how young the team is, Louise has already nicknamed us "The Agony Aunts". A couple of important notes: we DO NOT HAVE mobile phone reception out here! Unfortunately all your beautiful and encouraging text messages will end up in digital nirvana. But we do have internet access (most of the time). Shortly we can also be contacted via the landline which is 08 8964 5551 (same time as South Australia). If you would like to know a little more about where we ended up, please find following a brief introduction into the Avon & Austral Downs Station duo. Avon Downs and Austral Downs Stations Mail is delivered once a w...